Sunday, July 27, 2014

June 8 2014 Letter

Sister Crabb and I had a really good week. Whitewashing is still proving to be tough, but I'm really enjoying the challenge. Singapore is a whole new adventure compared to the jungle in Malaysia. I'm starting to learn Singlish. So just like in Malaysia they say "lah" after just about everything. "okay lah, no lah, it's just down the street lah, let me tell you lah." Also my new favorite singlish word is seua (sway) or steady. 
This week I read two amazing talks on missionary work and I need to share a little bit of them with you. One of them is called the Miracle of Missionary Work given by Elder Holland. But it talks about how this is the most important thing we could be doing with our lives. The things we learn will impact us and our future families, and our future generations. We are figuratively in a relay race, we have the baton in our hands for 18 months or for 2 years. We don't have time to stop and take a rest, we have to run full speed ahead and never look back. We don't have time to waste. We hold onto the baton with our lives until it's time to pass it on to the next person. So of course missionary work will never end for us, but right now our time is so precious. President Hinckley said in a talk that he wonders if we truly understand the importance of being alive in these last days. He said that all the prophets that have ever lived are watching us and cheering for us to get the work done. I think that's kinda a cool thought, and also very humbling. Okay let me just quote him.
"It places upon us an unforgiving responsibility to reach out with concern for all others in the Spirit of the Master, who taught, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" We of this generation are the end harvest of all that has gone before. It is not enough to simply be known as a member of this Church. A solemn obligation rests upon us. Let us face it and work at it."
Okay lah, it's time for me to go. The Lord loves you and so do I. Have a good week. Cherish the Land of the Free instead of the Land of the Fines :) (get it....Singapore fines you for anything and everything) hahah okay byeeeee!!!

Sister Krivanec

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